Friday, December 21, 2012

Reincarnation and Medicine

I'd like reincarnation to be true. But it just isn't, unfortunately.

There is no evidence I can see that reincarnation even is possible. It's a great concept and it would be great to be reincarnated again as another person. But what good does that do if your old memories won't be there and you have to start from scratch again? You won't even remember your old self... Which seems to me a fancy way of saying you're just dead and you don't know it.

We only get to live this one life and that's it.
Life becomes even more precious when one believes there is no replacing it and there is no reincarnation or afterlife. The here and now becomes even more treasured.

Yes, we all die someday, but we are rapidly approaching the age where we may be able to even defeat that.
Advanced medical care has managed to extend and increase the quality of life for many people.
100 years ago, people died around the age of 60.
Today, we are even having a serious problem of old age overpopulation.

Genetic engineering is the next step.

Today, scientists can only extend the lives of worms by 50%. 50%!
Lobsters can genetically live forever and keep growing. Obviously, they will die at some point because they will either be hunted or suffer an injury that would cause their death. But genetically, lobsters just keep living!
there's nothing in their telemeres that commands their aging process to stop.
WE are in a world of fantastic discoveries.

When the buying of added youth and years will be available and as easy as buying cel phone minutes, then we will see who is eager to see God and who is happy to remain and smell the flowers longer and see their great grandkids grow up on this good earth. I'm betting a lot of religious folk would also want to stay around for longer. We all opt for cancer and alzheimer cures instead of throwing our hands up and saying "It's up to God".
Obviously, its NOT up to God or we won't be buying medicines to cure ourselves.

It's practically over for the age of superstition. The changes in the world are rapidly overtaking the hold religion once had over many fields: human law, medicine, science... all those used to be run by religions. Today, who would you trust to cure your cancer? The doctor or the faith healer?
And so it must be with science and knowledge.
Religions have abjectly failed to improve our understanding of the universe. It was the first model we tried as a species to explain stars and why the sun rises and sets...

But today, we know the earth revolves around the sun. It isn't Ra on his chariot being pulled by winged horses.